Sharing Gathering
The learning journey here is driven by the sharing, little by little, even from someone you may never know.
Soul School Society and our staffs are 100% "volunteers". We don't unnecessarily collect money from our participants. (Generally we collect participation fee only when the cost of activity is high or when there's materials that will be used up by the participants.) Our intention is to provide learning for everyone without participants' financial limitation.
You may share your learning experiences to your friends by mentioning "Soul School Society". If you share your experiences in social media, adding hashtags like #soulschoolsociety or #sss will help other people search and expand their learning even more.
From our past and continuing journey, activities in Soul School Society have created tremendous impacts for many people. We are grateful to have you as a supporter for our activities, whether it is through sharing of your experiences or your financial support. (Please read below.)
What will we do with your support?
Foster everyone's learning
It's too many times that quality learning is too expensive, and somebody is left hindered from it.
Here we provide quality learning activities in not-for-profit price range. Most of them are FREE! Your support can help bring high quality learning processes accessible for lots of people.
Assist support system
We use website, email and other media channels to nourish the relationship with participants. Your support will help feed our technical system so we can provide learning continually.
Lively support
Although our staffs are volunteers, but we value voluntary works no less than other jobs. Your support will be reward for our staffs. It will also be evident that many people are caring and willing to help us do the good actions.